International Fashion


location: Online, Athens

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phone: +30 6976014560

willing to travel: No

about us
Welcome to PinkyPromiseAccs, where we transform every bride's dream steps into a reality. 🌸✨ Handcrafting exquisite wedding shoes since 2017, we understand that a bride's desire for beauty is rivaled only by her need for comfort on her special day. Our commitment goes beyond crafting footwear; we create an experience tailored to the bride's taste. Each pair is a masterpiece, meticulously designed to ensure maximum comfort, allowing her to savor every moment of her wedding day. At PinkyPromiseAccs, we believe in love at first step. Our custom shoes, adorned with pearls, bows, chains, and laces, are not just accessories; they're expressions of individual style and elegance. Designed for the bride who seeks beauty without compromise, our creations promise to be cherished not only on the wedding day but also for many special moments thereafter. Whether you envision a classic silhouette or a more contemporary design, we have the perfect pair to complement your unique style. Step into a world where comfort meets beauty, and let PinkyPromiseAccs be part of your journey to forever.

why we love weddings
At PinkyPromiseAccs, our team is fueled by the profound joy of being part of your special moments. We're immensely grateful for the trust brides place in us, supporting our small business and allowing us to contribute to the magic of their weddings. Your trust is our greatest honor, and each step you take in our handmade shoes is a shared celebration of love.

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