About Our Vendor Guide

Our Vendor Guide is designed to help couples find the perfect vendors for their wedding….and to help vendors find the perfect and most stylish couples! We carefully curate our collection of featured vendors to ensure that each vendor offers the creativity + professionalism our readers expect. Our list isn’t everyone in the wedding world, but in our opinion a list of the best of the best! We know your time is valuable when planning your wedding! Our vendors are a mix of well respected vendors in the industry and the up-and-comers we are loving.

How do GWS choose vendors for the Vendor Guide?

Our vendors apply directly, have been recommended by readers or other industry leaders. After we receive a recommendation or application, we review the vendor’s work to determine if they are a good fit for our readers both in terms of style and quality, we list them in our guide. Please note that we are looking for vendors who have been working in their field for a minimum of a year.

Brides-to-be please note, while we do our best to vet each vendor and review recommendations, we can never be absolutely sure about the experience you will have with any individual vendor. It’s ultimately your responsibility to make sure you vibe with the each vendor….you should never hire a vendor with whom you do not feel comfortable. You’ll be working closely with these people on your big day, so should want to go into the process with a good team that is 100% on your page!

What are Featured Vendors?

Featured Vendors are vendors that we love and have been recommended to us. Their work and passion fit well with the Green Wedding Shoes brand. The Featured Vendor listings are paid annually and we limit the number of Featured Vendors per category, so they will stand out and get attention from our audience. Each of our vendors have been viewed and researched to make sure they fit our high standards. They also have a full page dedicated to them on GWS with a slideshow showing examples of their work.

Click here to view a sample of a Featured Vendor Listings.

If you are interested in becoming a Featured Vendor you can apply here