Treehouse Point Wedding: Amy + Dave

treehouse weding

Amy + Dave love the outdoors, so TreeHouse Point in Issaquah, Washington was the perfect location for their homemade wedding. They incorporated their favorite foods (fried chicken, biscuits, grilled cheese) along with some yummy custom cocktails and local beer + wine. It was important to them to try and keep everything local and/or handmade with their details. And they also did something I’ve never seen before – they had their guests walk down the aisle to them! What a fun mix it up. :) Of course I love that they did what felt right to them – including serving pie for dessert instead of cake because, well, they really like pie! :)

Big congrats to Amy + Dave and thanks so much to Jagger Photography for the great photos! 


first look

A First Look up in the trees! :)

first look

first look

first look

treehouse wedding

treehouse wedding

bride and groom

bride and groom


decoy ceremony

They had a trick ceremony!  Everyone was ready to go, but no bride + groom. They had everyone head down to an alternate spot where they were waiting together – pretty rad!

bride and groom waiting

guests entering

Our Favorite Memory From The Wedding

Dave: Too many to mention...Seeing each other for the first time all dressed for the wedding. Our first dance. Surprising everyone by having them “walk down the aisle” to meet us in the forest. Instead of having a traditional first toast, we had a “Roast and Toast” and opened up the mic to whoever wanted to tell a story about us. There were some very funny, sweet and touching stories and moments that wouldn’t have happened during a normal toast. (Thanks Noah Cooley!!!)

Amy: Watching our friends and family walk down the aisle to us is one of the most memorable moments of the day. Dancing (both our first dance and later in the evening). Listening to Dave’s vows. And those biscuits - they were huge! It was great to see people cracking open our homemade jam to spread on their biscuits.

book reading wedding

Amy loves children’s books, so her dad read “The Little Yellow Leaf” to everyone.

wooded wedding

We had a drawing after the ceremony to choose our two witnesses to sign the marriage certificate. We really wanted the wedding to be joyful and fun for us and our guests and that inspired our planning.

wooded wedding

wedding favors



Our Advice To Those Planning Now

Dave: If something is not done a week before the wedding and it’s going to cause more stress than joy, forget it. Give up the fear of not having everything be perfect. Something will invariably go wrong, and it will most definitely not be the end of the world. In fact with time, you will most likely laugh about worrying over such a minor detail. Also, this is a note to the future grooms out there; It doesn’t have to be just “Her Day”. Those are going to be your memories too, and better to have some say in what is going on than just be resentful if there is something you don’t like or don’t want to have happen.

Amy: Try to do the planning and work TOGETHER. We gathered all the pinecones and moss together on outings around town, made all the jam together for our favors, etc. It was fun to do it together and I loved that the day felt like both of us, not just something I had arranged by myself. Find ways to make the wedding really personal for you. And don’t worry about doing what people expect.

Post Divider Line

photography: Jagger Photography // venue: TreeHouse Point Issaquah, Washington // catering: Skillet Street Food // cake: a la mode pie // floral design: flowers purchased at Pike Place Market the morning of wedding, arrangements made by bridesmaids and friends // wedding dress: custom made by a friend-of-a-friend // shoes: bride – Frye ; groom – cydwoq // groom suit: Duchess Clothier of Portland // invitations + paper goods: designed by the groom, printed by Girlie Press

