Denim Inspired Wedding: Ivy + Alex

bride and groom

Ivy + Alex met in San Francisco while working at Levi’s. They are both lovers of all things tactile and handmade, so it’s no surprise that a lot of their wedding was done on their own. :) They both have a keen eye for some great design + threads – and love that they incorporated denim into their big day! Thanks so much to DNA Wylie for the photos and congrats to Ivy + Alex!

billy ball boutonniere

peach bridesmaids dress


billy ball boutonniere

first look

wedding program

wedding flags

Our Musical Choices

Processional: Walking on a dream – Empire of the Sun

Recessional: All I want is You – Barry Louis Polisar (Juno Soundtrack)

First Dance: You and I – Ingrid Michelson

ring bearers



candle ceremony



wedding party

wedding party

bride and groom

bride and groom

bride and groom

bride and groom

bride and groom

bride and groom

seating chart


All our decorations were made by us. There were countless nights and weekends with hot glueing, painting, and hammering. Honestly, those nights were probably the best nights leading up to our wedding.



drink menu

pie topper


How cool are these newspapers DNA Wylie designed? They offer these now for couples as “Thank Yous”

newspaper programs

Our Advice To Those Planning Now

DIY is completely underrated. It plays such a huge part in definiing the personality of you and your husband to be, and your guests will appreciate it so much! Much more, being able to see everything that you and your husband accomplished that day is an inspiration for what you can both do in the future – work well and create beautiful memories together. :)

Post Divider Line

photography: DNA Wylie // venue name: Newcastle Wedding Gardens, Newcastle, California // music: Pat Hugunin of Hug Entertainment // pies: Chocolate Confetti // photo booth: Jensen Photography
